Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sport caster video clip


  1. I'm glad he's speaking out on how messed up our thinking can be as a culture and how hard that thinking can be to change. It makes me think about Sydney's comment in class about her dad saying we have a black president in response to her saying their is still a lot of racism in our media. It sort of reminds me of my own dad, and mom for that matter, and how different their thinking can be--how stuck in the past, really.

  2. The commentary he provides also breaks down just how backwards our society can be...but my favorite part of it all is that he calls the NFL officials (and those applicable) out on it. He makes plain just how unethical the officials' negative reaction to Michael Sam's announcement of his sexual orientation and saying it will hurt his chances of getting picked for the NFL. He asks them (in a voice that outwardly expresses how absurd their rational is) why a gay man would not be accepted but NFL officials have openly accepted a rapist, murder, drunk driver, be a part of the professional sport. He doesn't just shine a flashlight on their homophobic responses. He's the rising sun to this darkly driven organization. Showing them, and the world, that the NFL has gone beyond being just prejudice. Even if they did not agree with their sexual orientation, the lowering of Sam's chances, for an innocent and honest man, to become part of the NFL is incomprehensible. Especially since in the past the NFL has widely accepted men with heavily marked records. Records, mind you, that do not relay a hormonal and troubled teen, whom was arrested for stealing or even as much as arsine. No, records that involve rape, murder, and other irreconcilable crimes. I love this clip because he doesn't just point out how wrongly prejudice the NFL and those who support their mentality are. He exposes how criminal to lower a man's chances of playing because of his sexual orientation; and how intrinsically corrupt this system (along with our social system) really is.

  3. I would definitely agree with you there, Brenna! And in the way of shining light on the NFL's absurd response to this, the guy in the video sort of reminds me of how Arac critiques Huck idolizers by getting us to question what other people have said and done in regards to the book.
